Little Dead Rotting Hood

Title: Little Dead Rotting Hood

Director: Jared Cohn

Writer: Gabriel Campisi

Starring: Eric Balfour, Bianca A. Santos, Lil’ Romeo (Seriously.)

Year released: 2016

Initial thoughts (Pre-screening): The first Asylum release of 2016.

Their synopsis: “Something sinister is lurking in the woods, and the residents of the small town nearby are falling victim to its bloodlust…”

My synopsis: Man vs nature vs mediocre filmmaking.

Quick review: If anyone else had played Sheriff Adam, I probably would have cut my ears off and gouged my eyes out.

Pros: Eric Balfour. His presence made most of the horseshit exposition seem plausible, and he delivered his equally terrible lines with aplomb. This would’ve been a much worse film without him.

Cons: How does Lil’ Romeo have that many acting credits? He’s awful. (I do like that denim shirt he was wearing in the beginning though.)

Biggest movie cliché: Monsters love interrupting couples mid-coitus.

Favorite quote: “You are a bitch.” Adam correctly defining his ex-wife.

Say a nice thing: Benson is an amusing secondary character.

Say a mean thing: There is absolutely no way Patrick Muldoon wasn’t coked out of his mind during every scene.

Biggest suspension of disbelief: You clearly didn’t hit play on that iPod, Jenny.

Another favorite quote: “She asked about you…She wanted to know if you were retarded.” Rita with a sick burn.

Final review: It should come as no surprise that hackneyed writer Gabriel Campisi is responsible for Jailbait, having penned 17 & Life: Jail Bait, a comic book which can be purchased for $4. I imagine shooting this movie was mentally exhausting for Eric Balfour, given the far inferior talent that surrounded him on-screen and off. He quite literally carries the film, and is the only human/wolf/werewolf in which you will have a vested interest. I hope he got paid well. Finally, as Lil’ Romeo inexplicably crawled out from whichever abyss he lay dormant to appear in Little Dead Rotting Hood, it feels appropriate to mention that children making godawful rap music used to be a popular thing. He really has led an embarrassing life.


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Barely Legal

Title: Barely Legal

Director: Jose Montesinos

Writer: Naomi L. Selfman

Starring: Jeneta St. Clair, Melissa Johnston, Lisa Younger

Year released: 2011

Their synopsis: “Sue, Cheryl, and Lexi–all freshman in college–have been friends forever…Every year, they do something special to celebrate their birthday, and this year, on their eighteenth, they’re determined to lose their virginity.”

Initial thoughts (Pre-screening, post-synopsis): They’re “all freshman in college.” I think this gives you some idea of the level of intelligent filmmaking we’re going to be witnessing.

My synopsis: A whore, a prude, and a retarded Anna Faris throw a pool party in an attempt to lose their virginity. Had they simply had sex with each other, they could have made a much better film, and saved money on decorations.

Quick review: Not terrible. Fairly sexy.

Pros: Making fun of the visually-impaired. Goes by quickly.

Cons: There’s no way this movie took more than 37 hours to film.

Biggest movie cliché: Some type of teenage sex pact.

Favorite quote: “I’m blind, you fucking asshole.”

Say a nice thing: Lexi’s a goddamn champion.

Say a mean thing: Chris is very clearly a fag.

Say a creepy thing: ‘Barely legal’ isn’t even 18 in the best states.

Vulgar, unnecessary spoiler: A dog ate the shit outta some girl’s pussy.

Biggest suspension of disbelief: That the main characters are anywhere close to 17. Their daughters are already 20.

Final review: There’s no way the party Sue, Lexi, and Cheryl (When’s the last time you met an 18-year-old named Cheryl?) threw wasn’t the worst party ever. Barely Legal is a much better movie than that was a party. It’s an Asylum sex comedy that didn’t decide it needed an intricate plot line. Always a good move. One-dimensional characters finding themselves in awkward sexual situations. Comedy gold! Or not gold, exactly. Comedy pyrite. Sort of unfair to say the characters didn’t experience any personal growth, either. One realized she was dating the wrong kind of guy, one realized she is bisexual, and one became a chronic masturbator. Lessons abound.


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#1 Cheerleader Camp

Title: #1 Cheerleader Camp

Director: Mark Quod

Writer: Naomi L. Selfman

Starring: Seth Cassell, Jay Gillespie, Erica Duke

Year released: 2010

Initial thoughts (Pre-screening): The “Unrated Upskirt Version.” Really the only version, if you ask me.

Their synopsis: “A pair of horny college guys get summer jobs at a sexy cheerleader camp.”

My synopsis: Aren’t all cheerleader camps, “sexy” cheerleader camps?

Quick review: Not funny, occasionally loathsome. Only mildly arousing.

Pros: The movie opens with respectable, progressive, topless large-breasted women bouncing on a trampoline to protest white male paternalism. (I assume.)

Cons: There isn’t one believable aspect of this film. Why complicate yoga shorts and dick jokes with such a retarded plot?

Biggest movie cliché: The awkward, insecure girl that everyone made fun of was actually a great cheerleader?! Now I’ve heard everything!!

Least favorite quote: “I got it at the stripper store.” That’s especially careless writing.

Say a nice thing: I’ve heard of tone-deaf, but after looking at all those hard bodies, I’m going tone-blind!

Say a mean thing: I would only pay Charlene Tilton to appear at her own funeral.

Say a thing: That gay guy is the most passive rapist I’ve ever seen.

Biggest suspension of disbelief: Not sure why all these 30-year-olds are at a cheerleading camp.

Most relatable current event: Every single real/faux Star Wars fanboy cheerleading the latest trailer. Everyone wants this movie to be good so goddamn badly, but I’m still not sure. I still remember the disappointment of Super 8.

Final review: First things first. Who the fuck is Charlene Tilton and why am I supposed to give a shit? Because I don’t. She’s an irrelevant person who is an irrelevant addition to an irrelevant movie already riddled with irrelevant plot add-ons. Instead of recreating trite premises such as the scheming rival cheerleader (Named Britt, obviously.) why not lend some of the writing to explain something pertinent, like how the fuck old these people are supposed to be? This film was made by people who haven’t even a cursory knowledge of cheerleading. “Cheerleaders are hot, right? But what else do they do?” “I bet they run constantly, and would be friends with strippers!” The movie’s worst sin, however, is that it thinks it’s cool. It’s not edgy, it’s predictable and monotonous.


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100 Ghost Street: The Return of Richard Speck


Title: 100 Ghost Street: The Return of Richard Speck

Director: Martin Wichmann

Writer: Nancy Leopardi

Starring: Hayley Derryberry (I just wanted to type out that atrocious name.)

Year released: 2012

Initial thoughts (Pre-screening): In case you don’t recall Richard Speck… Watch the beginning of the video. It’s creepier than his murders.

Their synopsis: “In 2010, paranormal investigators tried to film Richard Speck’s ghost at the site of his heinous killing spree. The victims’ families have finally released the footage that documents their last days.”

My synopsis: Shockingly, there’s a ghost residing at 100 Ghost Street. Duh. Also, the ghost rapes a woman.

Quick review: Spoiler alert: There’s a ghost rape. Movie is ok.

Pros: The ghost isn’t as unattractive as the real Richard Speck. Goddamn he was an ugly bastard.

Cons: If you’re a ghost hunter, you should know the difference between a serial killer and a mass murderer. I mean, seriously…

Smallest suspension of disbelief: Guess who dies first? (Hint: It’s a black guy. Named Earl.)

Biggest movie cliché: Can a girl not enjoy a lollipop in these movies without simultaneously being a dirty, dirty whore? And the ghost rape, obviously.

Say a nice thing: How have I never specifically mentioned Jennifer Robyn Jacobs before? She’s been in multiple films I’ve reviewed, and is absolutely stunning.

Say a mean thing: If Jackie ever got too close to a light bulb, I’m pretty sure her awful nose would melt.

Say a creepy thing: Ok, so to be honest, the ghost rape scene kinda turned me on a little bit.

Most relatable current event: More women accusing Ghost Dad of rape.

MFK: Marry Jen. Fuck Sarah. Kill Jackie. (By fucking her.)

Final review: I suppose the premise is as good as any for a found footage film. A team of paranormal investigators, probably working for A&E, want to do a documentary on the now-abandoned dormitory where Richard Speck methodically tortured and killed his victims. If nothing else, it gives a legitimate reason to have all these cameras around. 100 Ghost Street is well-edited, and the performances are relatively believable, but ultimately it’s just too unoriginal. The same found footage tropes, and the same character archetypes. It’s nothing you haven’t seen a dozen times before. There’s also a ghost rape. Did I mention the ghost rape? And I think the ghost had sex with a dead body, as well.


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The First 100: Best and Worst

Having reviewed one hundred B movies over the past year and change, it’s time to take a look back and answer some of your most pressing questions. “What actors and actresses have stood out?” “Which directors were consistently not dreadful?” “Why in god’s name did you watch all of this shit?” “How exactly does the rating system work? It doesn’t really make sense.” “Who the fuck do you think you are saying all this mean shit about people you don’t even know?”

Let’s hand out some awards!

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Best Actress in a Supporting Role: I instantly thought of Shaley Scott as Taylor in Invasion of the Pod People. There are probably other notable performances I should include, but look how many categories I gave myself. I don’t have time.

Worst Actress in a Supporting Role: Kim Little in War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave. I haven’t watched that movie in over a year, yet I still fantasize about sawing through her throat with my car keys.

Best Visual Effects: MechaHitler from Nazis at the Center of the Earth. Unless boobs count as visual effects. I’ve seen a lot of cool boobs.

Worst Visual Effects: Down syndrome Bigfoot? Invisible motorcycle? A majority of the train scenes? Papier-mache tank? Murderous/pussy eating devil baby? Ghost fight? The possibilities are endless. Let’s go with retarded Bigfoot.

Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Lorenzo Lamas for being a funny racist in Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus. Honorable mention to Andrew Lauer in H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds, and Dr. Alan Grant, who was pretty good in Merlin’s Apprentice. I’m also going to mention Coolio, just so I can include Pterodactyl, which is probably my favorite review.

Worst Actor in a Supporting Role: All of the dragons. So many fucking dragons… Oh, and Geoff Meed in I Am Omega. I hate Geoff Meed.

Best Writing: When it comes to inserting lesbianism into a script for really no reason whatsoever, Leigh Scott is the king. (Though Tim Culley tried his best.) Unfortunately, it would be wrong to judge this category based solely on super hot girl-on-girl action. (It would, right? Hmm… … …Yeah, I guess so.) I’ll give it to Jack Perez for Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus. If nothing else, he wrote in arguably the greatest action scene ever.

Worst Writing: Liz Adams. She has a writing credit on Shark Week, and is the only credited writer of both Air Collision and Super Cyclone. Shark Week is an abomination, Air Collision is a mess, and Super Cyclone is so dumb it made me write Twister wasn’t half bad. I hate Liz Adams for that. Oh, and Geoff Meed. Fuck him.

Best Actress in a Lead Role: Let’s go with Jean Louisa Kelly in The Cyberstalking. Yes, Sinead McCafferty was a crazily hot naked alien in The Day the Earth Stopped, and Jessica Chastain was very good in Blackbeard, but JLK deserves some love. Plus, Jessica Chastain’s already been nominated for two Oscars. What more does she want?

Worst Actress in a Lead Role: I think Sarah Lieving is fucking beautiful, but she is not a good actress. However, Sara Malakul Lane is also a ridiculously gorgeous terrible actress, who, in addition, takes her clothes off. I still feel bad about myself for giving Jailbait more stars than it deserved, so I’m awarding Worst Actress to Sara, not Sarah. Have some goddamn respect for yourself, Sara! (Or don’t. I’m not judging.)

Best Actor in a Lead Role: Do you not remember Jude Law? God, that son of a bitch is handsome.

Worst Actor in a Lead Role: Rhett Giles, I guess? He’s had some big roles in a lot of garbage. He may be a good actor for all I know, but his choices are for shit. He’s The Asylum’s Nic Cage.

Best Director: Anthony C. Ferrante, Thunder Levin, and C. Thomas Howell have all turned in multiple winners. If I had to pick from only those three, I’d give it to Thunder Levin for AE: Apocalypse Earth and American Warships. He not only directed, but wrote those films. If Rhett Giles is The Asylum’s Nicolas Cage, Levin is Asylum’s Tarantino. Really though, I’m just going to give it to Jack Perez for Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus.

Worst Director: I think I have to go Liz Adams again, for directing Air Collision and Super Cyclone. There are directors who have put forth worse films than Liz Adams, but they’ve also turned in some decent work. (I’m looking at you, Justin Jones.) The Kondelik Brothers suck, but Liz Adams probably sucks more.

Best Picture: It’s no secret Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus is my favorite B movie. It wins, and will keep winning until I see something better. No, it did not garner the maximum four-star review, but only Clash of the Empires did that, and for all the wrong reasons. I would, however, like to give an honorable mention to Cleaver Family Reunion. The trailer makes you want to kick a small dog in the stomach, but it’s actually a pretty funny movie.

Worst Picture: I’ve only ever given two films zero stars. 2012: Doomsday and Monster. But Monster was not only horrendous, it was also so goddamn disappointing. It’s a monster movie that takes place in Japan, yet the final product is an enormous, disrespectful, smoldering pile of shit in the mouth of the kaiju genre. I’m tempted to watch the film again, simply to reaffirm my hatred of it. Or maybe I’ll just stab my penis with a rusty safety pin for ninety minutes. Whichever.

The Amityville Haunting

Title: The Amityville Haunting

Director: Geoff Meed

Writer: Geoff Meed probably

Starring: Nadine Crocker, less attractive other people

Year released: 2011

Initial thoughts (Pre-screening): They took it off Netflix without telling me. Have to watch it on Hulu with ads.

Their synopsis: “Actual found footage that documents the horrifying experience of a family that moved into the infamous haunted house.”

My synopsis: A murderable family is murdered. Justice.

Quick review: Exhausting.

Pros: I like the idea of breaking into haunted houses to fuck.

Cons: Arguably the worst actors ever assembled for a found footage movie.

Big suspension of disbelief: Wait a second, why’d the ghost take a nap for 32 years?

Biggest movie cliché: That military dad sure is strict.

Say a creepy thing: I kept fantasizing about Lori choking me while we have sex.

Say a mean thing: Devin Clark’s stupid face should be caved in with a brick.

Bigger suspension of disbelief: I don’t believe this family exists more than I believe ghosts don’t exist.

Most relatable current event: Here’s another Long Island murderer.

Final review: Watching this movie is a fucking chore. The least natural found footage film in existence. It has to be. The Nissan Rogue ad I watched halfway through was a goddamn epic compared this dogshit. The Amityville Haunting evokes hatred and anger. What I saw was real. Real terrible. Geoff Meed is a loathsome individual.


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Title: Bound

Director: Jared Cohn

Writer: Jared Cohn, Delondra Williams

Starring: Charisma Carpenter, Bryce Draper, Daniel Baldwin

Year released: 2015

Initial thoughts (Pre-screening): Jared Cohn. Of course it is.

Their synopsis: “The daughter of a wealthy real estate broker falls in love with a younger man, who introduces her to BDSM. Using her newly awakened sexual prowess, she finally takes charge of her own life.”

My synopsis: Cordelia Chase needs some good dick. Meets a loser.

Quick review: Ryan is Jared Cohn’s Tyler Durden, and that is really, really sad.

Pros: Charisma Carpenter would make a pretty good domme.

Cons: I don’t think Jared Cohn knows a goddamn thing about BDSM.

Biggest movie cliché: Women discovering their inner goddess.

Favorite quote: Dara, Michelle’s volleyball-playing (Yay!), high school daughter, when told she’s not old enough to imbibe alcohol, “Fine. I’ll just get some old perv to get it for me like normal.” I believe she’s referring to me.

Say a mean thing: E. L. James is a disgusting fat pig who cannot write.

Say a nice thing: Jim Norton is a sweet, funny boy.

Biggest suspension of disbelief: Ryan is not some brooding, yet charming mystery. He’s a rapey douchebag.

Worst cameo: Terrell Owens, for no earthly reason, makes an appearance…as himself.

Most relatable current event: 50 Shades of Grey opens on Valentine’s weekend.

Final review: It’s just embarrassing that I’m supposed to buy the protagonist in this as some irresistible godsend to women. He’s a boorish frat guy, not a sexy enigma. The entire character is laughable. This makes buying the plot line almost impossible. Nobody would risk anything for this dude, yet some savvy, successful businesswoman is willing to throw away her family and career for him? Cohn should have let Delondra Williams do most of the writing. A woman’s perspective really could have helped this movie. Overall, it’s shit. But at least it’s well-acted, well-shot, nicely structured shit.


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Nazis at the Center of the Earth

Title: Nazis at the Center of the Earth

Director: Joseph J. Lawson

Writer: Paul Bales

Starring: Josh Allen, Dominique Swain, Jake Busey

Year released: 2012

Initial thoughts (Pre-screening): What’s dumber, center of the earth Nazis or moon Nazis?

Their synopsis: “Researchers in Antarctica are abducted by a team of masked storm troopers. They are dragged deep underground to a hidden continent in the center of the earth. Here Nazi survivors…are planning for the revival of the Third Reich.”

My synopsis: Underground Nazis once again attempt world domination. And fail, per usual.

Quick review: Surprisingly boring for a film about secret Nazis. Third act is ok.

Pros: I don’t want to call this a “pro” exactly, but I laughed really hard when Dr. Reistad, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, punched his girlfriend in the face after she told him she was pregnant. It was just so unexpected. (Spoiler alert: Apparently it wasn’t for “no reason.” He wanted to abort the child and use its fetal stem cells. Jesus…)

Cons: Chris Johnson’s German accent is fucking exhausting, and good lord is that Busey mouth terrifying. Also, I can’t imagine anything worse than getting gang-raped by zombie Nazis.

Biggest movie cliché: Nazis as the “bad guy.” Schindler’s List tried to do the same thing.

Hottest Antarctic research scientist: Dr. Paige Morgan (and her friends) really did it for me when I was a teenager, but now I’m gonna go with May Yun.

Say a nice thing: MechaHitler. Even if you’re anti-Hitler, come on, that’s pretty cool.

Say a mean thing: Haha, Dr. Mengele couldn’t wait to kill that scheming jew.

Biggest suspension of disbelief: The whole flesh thing seemed largely unnecessary.

Most relatable current event: Jingoistic assholes are angry with Seth Rogen for saying that American Sniper reminded him of Nation’s Pride.

Final review: The third act is quite ridiculous, but sort of fun. Why? I’ll say it again, MechaHitler. I understand that MechaHitler is the payoff, and you can’t lead with it (Though I would not have objected to 90 minutes of MechaHitler wrecking shit.), but there had to be a better way to get there. I think one more rewrite was all this movie needed to actually be “good.” Clean up the story, get rid of some superfluous characters, and tighten up the exposition. There are secret zombie Nazis living in a mountainous paradise under Antarctica. Are you really going to try and explain that logically? Get to the blitzkrieg!


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Ready 2 Die

Title: Ready 2 Die

Director: John Azpilicueta

Writer: John Azpilicueta, Ted Grau

Starring: Pablo (Hernandez) Santiago, Jacob Martinez, John Azpilicueta

Year released: 2014

Initial thoughts (Pre-screening): An Asylum co-production, with something called JAGQA Productions.

Their synopsis: “After a violent bank robbery, a trio of hoods make their way across East L.A. carrying a blood-soaked bag of money. When word gets out, they must fend off gangs and crooked cops alike as they strive to [Ed. note: 2] keep the loot and stay alive.”

My synopsis: (“Hoods”? “Loot”? What old man wrote their synopsis?) A shockingly poor live-action adaptation of a GTA V heist mission.

Quick review: I love gangster movies. This is shit.

Pros: The Warriors. That’s a great film about gang members trying 2 get home. Watch that instead.

Cons: Sure, just throw an edit in there. Why not? It’s as good a place as any.

Biggest movie cliché: The hack nicknames, 2 of which they stole from Training Day. Psycho, Sniper, Lucky, and Smiley.

Best cameo: That Mexican guy from every movie talking about fucking fat girls. His real name is Noel? Never would have guessed.

Say a nice thing: That guy’s hot wife is apparently a porn star. That’s nice, right?

Say a racist thing: There are 2 many Mexicans coming in2 America and taking gang member positions away from black people.

Biggest suspension of disbelief: Jesus christ, so goddamn many I’ll limit it 2 the first 15 minutes. 4 starters, that was clearly not a fucking bank you robbed. Also, turns out if you shoot and kill enough police officers, the cops decide 2 leave you alone 4 a bit. The car crash was complete nonsense. And how about the police car that was being driven from the passenger side?

Most relatable current event: In Obama’s State of the Union, he’ll probably talk about his immigration policy, and how there are 2 many Mexicans stabbing people. Or just 1 of those.

Final review: I guarantee that Azpilicueta and Grau think their screenplay is genius. They couldn’t be more wrong. They tried 2 do Reservoir Dogs and failed in every conceivable way. Why? Because they’re not smart, not funny, and certainly not talented. Azpilicueta even unnecessarily inserts himself as a shitty actor, just like Tarantino. Actually, it’s unfair 2 single him out as a shitty actor, because all of them are shitty. Astonishingly so. This is a terrible, unbelievable film.


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The Haunting of Whaley House

Title: The Haunting of Whaley House

Director: Jose Prendes

Writer: Jose Prendes

Starring: Stephanie Greco, Alex Arleo, Arielle Brachfeld

Year released: 2012

Their synopsis: “When a tour guide breaks into America’s Most Haunted House, a bit of amateur ghost hunting with friends turns into more horror than they could have ever imagined.”

My synopsis: Thirty-year-olds, who think they’re cool, goth fifteen-year-olds, keep dying in a supposedly haunted house.

Quick review: With the exception of half a dozen scenes, this is a decent horror flick.

Pros: In the film, some guy says ghosts feed off of battery power. Obviously, I needed to know more, so I googled it. In doing so, I found this informative/unintentionally hilarious article that begins, “As I’ve mentioned before I am not a demonologist…”

Cons: Those racist ass ghosts invisibly lynched Ray! To be fair, he sort of deserved it after that awful and terribly acted, I’m-so-angry-I’m-going-to-curse-at-the-ghosts soliloquy.

Biggest suspension of disbelief: Black ghost hunters? I don’t think so.

Least favorite quote: “Just because you don’t believe in ghosts, doesn’t mean they don’t believe in you.” That doesn’t make any sense, you stupid old cunt.

Say a nice thing: The majority of actresses in this movie did an excellent job.

Say a mean thing: Keith Drummond is very clearly a rapist.

Biggest movie cliché: Something goes wrong, and one retard tries to convince everybody else why it’s a bad idea to call the police.

Smallest suspension of disbelief: Penny looked at the black guys when she reminded everyone not to steal.

Most relatable current event: Whatever ghost hunting show just got renewed for its 19th season on SyFy. You think they’d have found something by now…

Final review: While it’s not a particularly original film, it executes the haunted house formula quite well. Small group of friends, there’s an incident, quality jump scares, infighting, somebody gets possessed, cops come, etc., etc. However, there’s nonsense abound, almost to the point where it overwhelms what the movie does right. (Not shocking for an Asylum production.) Unnecessarily exaggerated deaths, over-the-top acting, and irrelevant story additions, for example. Perhaps it depends on the mood you’re in, and/or how much you enjoy the horror genre, but despite its numerous flaws, I liked it. It did take me awhile to realize I was liking it, which I’m not sure qualifies as a ringing endorsement.


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